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It was developed during the 1990s by German psychologists Cora Besser-Siegmund and Harry Siegmund of the Besser-Siegmund Institute in Hamburg, Germany.
In endins we use wingwave as a tool to transform limiting beliefs and mental blockages.
With coaching we obtain an optimal effect of the intervention applying the minimum effort with the maximum result, without ceasing to take into account the complex system of the human personality.
The basics of the wingwave method:
The meaning of the name "wingwave":
Wing. Represents the flapping of the wings of a butterfly, which according to Chaos Theory "a small movement in one precise place can produce a great change in another place on the planet." This fact is used as a metaphor to emphasize that with a small intervention in the right place-time a great change will take place.
Wave. It refers to the English concept "brainwave", which means "inspiration", "great idea", "good occurrence". It also refers to the brain functioning that as we know acts by waves and these vary depending on what experience is being evoked.
Wingwave® is one of the most researched coaching approaches for its good results and is a patented method that combines 3 elements:
Bilateral hemispheric stimulation through the simulation of MOR phases (rapid eye movements) or through bilateral auditory or tactile stimuli.
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) i
The Bi-Digital O-Ring muscle reaction test to evaluate the effectiveness of the process.
Fields of action
With Wingwave we facilitate:
Coaching esportiu
Preparar-se mentalment per l’alt rendiment en tornejos esportius importants o altres esdeveniments.
Processar i superar mental i emocionalment derrotes passades.
Coaching executiu
Preparar-se de forma efectiva per converses importants, discursos i presentacions.
Resoldre conflictes en l’entorn de treball.
Aconseguir equilibri entre la vida professional i personal.
Coaching d’acompliment
Exàmens i càstings.
Entrevistes de feina.
Aparicions públiques.
Entrevistes als mitjans de comunicació.
Realitzar presentacions excel·lents.
Coaching per incrementar la teva creativitat
Superar bloquejos mentals que interfereixen amb la teva creativitat.
Enaltir la teva creativitat.
Canviar la tendència a posposar per la pro-activitat.
Coaching per incrementar la sensació interior de benestar
Incrementar l’autoconfiança.
Superar fòbies i ansietats com la por als exàmens, a volar, por escènica, aracno fòbia o por al dentista.
Eliminar l’estrès físic que produeix la manca de son, el jetlag o la fatiga.
Superar estrès familiar o de parella.
Tractar les decepcions interpersonals o maltractament verbal.
Aprendre a tractar amb la necessitat d’afartaments de menjar i altres addicions.
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